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Streaming your Start

personal organizing

Getting ready in the morning could be slow, stressful or smart. Let's get you on the path to a smart start.

Here's the set up

  • You'll need a label maker, scissors and size dividers. You can order dividers at Eddies’ Hang-up's. I recommend the rectangular ones vs the circular ones so they stay put and don't spin. You can create your own using heavy card and make your own template covering it with packing tape to make it more durable.

clothes organizing labeler and scissors

  • Create Monday to Sunday labels using a large font on your label maker or simply type up the words on a computer in inspiring font and cut out the words and tape them to your template. Be sure to stick the labels on both sides of the dividers.

  • Slip the dividers on your closet dowel or rail or use a over the door valet hook. Check the thickness of the door to ensure the hook fits snuggly without damaging the doorframe. Standard doors are usually one and half inches but custom doors can be thicker so be sure to measure it to save time.check the weather and your calendar so you know what's ahead and choose all your outfits for the week on Sunday night. Use the dividers to hang outfits in day order in the closet.

closet organizing with dividers


  • ​Use dividers to set up your closet so it stays organized but dividing it up into categories ie. t-shirt, short sleeves, long sleeves, dress pants, casual pants, dress, sun dresses, skirts, blazers and cardigans.

  • Practice this same organizational tip for kids and help them develop organization skills by pre-selecting their outfits on Sunday for the week ahead.

kids organizing

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