Better than the Bank

I had a client ask "what do I think about surveys?" So often we get pestered by marketers calling at dinner to ask us for our opinion. Let it go to voicemail if you have caller id; they never leave a message. If not, interrupt them immediately to ask if you are being paid for your time and information. The answer is 99.9% of the time "no" and beyond "take me off your call list" the experience is relatively painless.
You'll also see marketers seeking your input on your shopping experience by offering a chance to win a prize or large sum of money if you complete their survey online. This is a shot in the dark and best to take a pass.
However, some retailers offer discounts on your next purchase if you fill out a survey online; simply look for a link at the bottom of your bill. These surveys, if you have time, are worth the time, especially if you plan to shop or frequently shop at a particular retailer. For example Old Navy typical offers an attractive percentage off your next purchase. If you've got kids or on a tight budget this strategy helps every penny count.
Keep an eye out for an expiry date and tuck the code or coupon in your wallet so you have it when you need it.
Don't spend money for the sake of using the coupon. Make sure you need it or love it.
Bottom line ... the bank might give you 1% or 2% on your money vs the 10% to 20% you'd get back on you money for 10 minutes it takes to do a survey. Shop smart.
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