A Word on Maintaining a Fresh Start

So many people set a myriad of goals in the New Year and struggle to achieve them. The problem lies within the idea that more is better. While the enthusiasm is admirable, the intention gets quickly lost.
Try the "one word" approach. The intention behind the "word" is to choose ONE meaningful word, which will guide your thoughts and actions throughout the year. Words are in credibly powerful. It could be prosperity, productivity, learning or calm - name whatever you need to achieve and or sustain. Select your word with care, create a fresh start and deliver with a long finish.
6 Tips to Keep You Aligned
Crystallize it - Harvard studies maintain that the act of writing goals down makes them 10 times more likely to happen. So write your word down and the rationale behind choosing it.
Use online tools - Enter your word in your online calendar or app as a repeating invitation or task. Note - If you see it too often you will get word fatigue and will block it out. Try a month or bi-monthly cycle.
Get creative - Use your computer to print your word in colour, using a font you love, framing and placing it where it will catch your eye.
Seek a Word Buddy - Work with a word buddy to support and keep each other accountable. The key is to connect regularly, 5 to 15 minutes a month works well.
Amp it up - Words are symbols for your greater vision so draw a picture of what the word represents to you. You don't need to be an artist; you simply need to draw symbols. Use colors, which are meaningful to you. Be sure to revisit the picture in 12 months, when you come to choose a new word for the next year.
Recognize Yourself - Reward yourself or give yourself credit for not only achieving but also for sustaining your focus on your word goal. Often people will dismiss the connection between their intentions and their results. The more you recognize your power, the stronger you become at creating what you want.
Good luck and good word management.
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