Kitchen Space Saver

While more eco-savvy retailers are conscientiously looking to reduce packaging, most lag behind the times. Packing consumes resources AND more importantly to an organizer precious space. I get the chips thing but really? A shout out to Nature's Path for producing some of their products without the box - brilliant!
On the organizing front, cereal boxes take up way more space than they should, so here's an organizing hack to reduce their footprint by up to 50%. It's easy to do and you'll appreciate your space.
Grab all your cereals, compost any expired cereal and recycle the boxes. Buy sealing clips - Ikea's clips are great and only 99 cents. Pull out the label maker or a sharpie.

Label the clips paying attention to how you'd open the clip depending on if you are left or right handed. The organizer in me likes to keep the same colour, but you can colour code the clips by who eats what. This is important as you may have several types of granola and folks who are very specific about the granola they like.

Attach clip to label

Toss bags into a basket to keep them contained ... TADA - space saved!